Wine And Food In The Park Festival
12 March 2025
2019 Major
Festival Sponsors



How To
Contact Us

The South Burnett Wine and Food In The Park Festival is run by South Burnett Events Incorporated, a non-profit volunteer organisation set up in 1999 to promote major public festivals in the South Burnett.

Here are the people you should contact if you want to deal with specific aspects of Wine & Food In The Park:
  • Food Stalls - Dafyd Martindale (07) 4162-3899 or email him
  • Wine Stalls - Dafyd Martindale (07) 4162-3899 or email him
  • Media and Publicity - Dafyd Martindale (07) 4162-3899 or email him
  • Accounts and Billing - Shaun Bliesner 0427-622-566 or email him
  • South Burnett Visitor Information Centre - Kingaroy - Phone (07) 4189-9172 or email them
  • Postal Address - WAFITP Festival Committee, PO Box 490 Kingaroy Q 4610


2019 Festival
Booking Forms

Wineries who'd like to exhibit at the 2019 Wine & Food In The Park Festival need to complete and return a 2019 Wine Stall Application no later than Friday 1st February 2019 along with their $400 stall fee.

Preference will be given to wineries that use grapes grown in the South Burnett GI to produce their wines, but winemakers from other regions are welcome to apply. The application form can be obtained in PDF format by clicking here or in Microsoft Word format by clicking here.

Food vendors who'd like to operate a food stand at the 2019 Wine & Food In The Park Festival need to complete and return a 2019 Food Stallholder Application no later than Friday 1st February 2019 along with their $250 stall fee. The application form can be obtained in PDF format by clicking here or in Microsoft Word format by clicking here.

Additional Notes:
  • All winery and food stall applications are subject to the Festival's standard Terms and Conditions. These can be downloaded in PDF format by clicking here, or in Micrsoft Word format by clicking here.
  • Please be aware that the submission of a Food Stallholder Application form and fee is not a guarantee of acceptance. To be fair to everyone and ensure the greatest possible diversity of foods for Festival-goers, Wine & Food In The Park tries to ensure that duplication of food types is kept to a minimum.
  • We're also only interested in high quality food outlets. Applicants who are rejected will be informed of the Committee's decision as soon as possible after the close-off date and their booking fee will be returned to them.
  • The Festival gives right of first refusal to vendors who attended the previous event. This is because we appreciate the loyalty that regular stallholders have shown to us and want to demonstrate the same loyalty to them.
  • Some food outlets may require a licence from the South Burnett Regional Council. You can obtain information about this and copies of any forms you'll need to complete and return to the Council on their website (information on Food Licenses appears about halfway down the page).
  • To ensure compliance with WH&S requirements, all electrical equipment used by food vendors needs to have a current test tag. This helps ensure everyone's safety. If you have any questions about this, please contact Wine & Food In The Park for more information.
  • Food stall and wine stall applications and cheques should be posted to the Wine & Food In The Park Festival Committee at PO Box 490 Kingaroy Q 4610 or directly deposited to the Festival's bank account (account details are on the application forms).
  • The Wine & Food In The Park Festival is always held on the second Saturday in March each year. Food and wine stall applications will be accepted from the 10th of December up until the specified deadlines for the following year's Festival.
  • Vendors who wish to set up early can do so from 4:00pm on the day before the Festival. The Festival venue is under security surveillance from the Friday evening before the event through to the following Monday morning.


Corporate Tents?
Just Ask Us!

From time to time guests at Wine & Food In The Park ask us if they can erect their own tent in the grounds. They might be a social group, a school reunion or a company wanting to entertain important clients in style. We refer to these as Corporate Tents.

Well, the short answer to this is "no". Why? Because Wine & Food In The Park is such a h-u-g-e Festival that we have to employ special crews to set up all our infrastructure before each year's Festival and then take it down again afterwards.

So we're sure you'll understand that having third parties come into the middle of this well-oiled machine to set up their own tents and other gear would be unsafe and cause too much confusion.

However we're happy to set up Corporate Tents for groups as part of the Festival's normal set-up work. When this is done by our own ground crews we can plan our ground layout properly and ensure that everything is done in a safe and efficient manner.

And the big advantage of this for our special guests is that all the hard work is taken care of for you - you and your guests just come along on the day and have a great time!

So if you'd like a Corporate Tent at Wine & Food In The Park, just ask us about it by phoning (07) 4162-3899 or emailing us.

We're happy to arrange tent hire, set-up and clean-up; on-ground security (if you want it); and even put together a catering plan for you and your guests if required.

Please Note: For logistical reasons all Corporate Tents must be booked and paid for one working week prior to the Festival. This means the deadline for 2019 Corporate Tent bookings is 5:00pm on Friday 1st March 2019.

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