Wine And Food In The Park Festival
9 February 2025
2019 Major
Festival Sponsors


Want To Get
Involved Yourself?
Wine & Food In The Park is organised by South Burnett Events Incorporated (SBE).

SBE is a non-profit community organisation formed to stage major festivals in the South Burnett and was founded in 1999.

All members of SBE are volunteers and membership is open to anyone who wants to donate time and effort to staging major community events.

So if you'd like to get involved in any SBE event yourself - as either a sponsor, an exhibitor or a vendor - please feel free to contact us about it!

Most SBE events have now been running for two decades and are very well established.

They all have high community recognition and draw large numbers of people.

This in turn creates many, many opportunities for anyone who wants to take part - and as is the case with most events of this type, first in, best dressed!

You can find out how to contact South Burnett Events on the Contact Us page of this website.


 A Quick Word About
Our Sponsors
The 2018 South Burnett Wine and Food In The Park Festival has been made possible by the generous support we've received from our major sponsors. Here's some background information about each of them:

South Burnett Regional Council
The South Burnett Regional Council was formed from the merger of the former Kingaroy, Nanango, Wondai and Murgon Shire Councils in March 2008 and is now the local government that covers the South Burnett.

Kingaroy Shire Council had always been a loyal supporter of Wine & Food In The Park and we're delighted the SBRC has been continuing this tradition ever since it was formed.

Our Council helps us with many important aspects of the Festival - anything from street banners and public health issues to Festival set-up and knock-down, refuse removal and grounds cleaning. And the Council's Visitor Information Centres (in Blackbutt, Nanango, Kingaroy, Wondai, Murgon and Blackbutt) provide equally invaluable assistance to the many visitors who come to the South Burnett during the Festival.


South Burnett is our region's daily online newspaper. It was originally established as the South Burnett's web portal by the former Kingaroy, Nanango, Wondai, Murgon, Rosalie and Kilkivan Shire Councils in 1999 and over the succeeding 13 years grew to become the largest rural web portal in Queensland with an annual audience in excess of 700,000 visitors,

In April 2012, moved to a daily newspaper format. It now provides live daily news coverage of the region every Monday to Friday, as well as breaking news reports on weekends when significant events occur (such as fires or floods). It also provides the South Burnett's most comprehensive Daily Events Calendar and the region's online business directory to an audience that now exceeds 2.4 million visitors annually.

This year - as they have every year since 2001 - have donated this web site and its associated hosting costs to the Festival, as well as provided us with valuable publicity and assistance.


DJdirex EntertainmentDJdirex Entertainment
All the entertainment, staging and sound systems for Wine & Food In The Park this year has been organised by DJdirex Entertainment, which is run by Michael Monk, the Festival's emcee.

Michael was born in Wondai in 1970 but later went on to travel the world before returning to the South Burnett, bringing a wealth of experience he'd gained from a lifetime working in the entertainment industry, on stage, television, radio and as an MC, DJ and event promoter (Michael M/DJdirex has done pretty much done it all!)

Outside of Wine and Food In The Park you'll find Michael M regularly promoting parties and social events throughout south-east Queensland. Otherwise his voice can be heard both on local radio and (from time to time) on various TV networks as the voice promoting the wares of business across Queensland.

Michael is available to DJ or MC at parties, events or any special occasion. You can give him a call on 0400 282 782

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